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LYRA x2 Mükemmel performans Non-İnvazif ve İnvazif Ventilasyon

LYRA x2, invazif ve non-invaziv ventilasyonda yüksek performans, birinci sınıf non-invaziv türbinle çalışan bir ventilatördür. Kullanıcı sadece NIV modu ve IV modları arasında Kullanıcı Arayüzü işlemiyle kolayca geçiş yapabilir. Kapsamlı parametre izleme, hastanın durumuyla ilgili tam senaryoyu bakım veren kişiye açıklar.. Yoğun bakımda olan kütle ile, mekanik bir ventilasyon vermek çok dikkat çekiyor. Diski oynatmaya dokunan 18,5 inç'e kadar dikey düzen, ventilatörün çalışmasını pürüzsüz ve kolay hale getirir.

  • Technical Specifications

    Physical Specification Dimensions: 327 mm x 310 mm x 493 mm (L x W x H): 664 mm x 600 mm x 1520 mm (with trolley) Weight: Approximately 12.0 kg, Approximately 33.0 kg (with trolley) Screen Display Size: 18.3 Color active matrix TFT touch Display Resolution (H) x (V): 1080 x 1980 pixels Brightness: Adjustable Ventilation Specifications Patient Type: Adult, Pediatric Invasive Ventilation Mode: VCV (Volume Control Ventilation) PCV (Pressure Control Ventilation) VSIMV (Volume Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) PSIMV (Pressure Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) CPAP/PSV (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/Pressure Support Ventilation) PRVC (Pressure Regulated Volume Control) V + SIMV (PRVC + SIMV) BPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation) Apnea Ventilation Non-invasive Ventilation Mode CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) PCV (Pressure Control Ventilator) PPS (Proportional Pressure Support) S/T (Spontanous and Timed) VS (Volume Support, similarr like AVAPS ) Controlled Parameters O2 %: 21-100% (increments of 1%) VT (Tidal Volume): Adult: 100-2000 mL (increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL (increments of 1 mL) f (Ventilation frequency): 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm) fSIMV (Ventilation frequency in SIMV mode): 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm) I:E range: 4:1-1:10 (increments of 0.5) Tinsp (Inspiratory time): 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s) Tslope (Time of Pressure Rising): Thigh 0-2.00 s (increments of 0.05 s) Tlow: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s) Tpause: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s) ΔPinsp: 5%-60% (increments of 1%), Off ΔPsupp: 0-60 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Phigh: 0-60 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Plow: 0-45 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) PEEP: 1-45 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O), Off Flow trigger: 0.5-15 L/min (increments of 0.1 L/min) Pressure trigger: -10 to -0.5 cm H2 O (increments of 0.5 cm H2 O) Exp% (Expiration termination level): 10-85% (increments of 5%), Auto CPAP: 4-25 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) EPAP: 4-25 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) IPAP: 4-20 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Rise time: 1-5 (increments of 1) Ramp time: 5-45 min (increments of 5 min), Off LYRA x2 Technical Specifications Min P (VS minimum IPAP): 5-30 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Max P (VS maximum IPAP): 6-40 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Max P (PPV maximum pressure limit): 5-40 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Max V (PPV maximum volume limit): 200-3500 mL (increments of 5 ml) Max E: 0-100 cm H2 O/L (increments of 1 cm H2 O/L) Max R: 0-50 cm H2 O/L (increments of 1 cm H2 O/L) PPV%: 0%-100% (increments of 1%) Apnea Ventilation Vtvapnea: Adult: 100-2000mL (increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL (increments of 1 mL) ΔPapnea: 5-60 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O) Fapnea: 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm) Apnea Tinsp: 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s) Sigh Sigh Switch: On, Off Interval: 20 s-180 min (increments of 1 s from 20 to 59 s, increments of 1 min from 1 to 180 min) Cycles Sigh: 1-20 (increments of 1) Δint.PEEP: 1-45 cm H2 O (increments of 1 cm H2 O), Off Synchronized Tube Resistance Compliance Tube Type: ET Tube, Trach Tube, Disable STRC Tube I.D.: Adult: 5.0-12.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm) / Pediatric: 2.5-8.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm) Compensate: 0-100% (increments of 1%) Expiration Compliance Switch: On, Off Monitored parameters Numeric: Paw Oxygen concentration WOB Ppeak VTe spn RSBI Pplat VTe/IBW NIF Pmean f P0.1 PEEP ftotal PEEPi Insp Flow fmand PIP Exp Flow fspn EPAP MV Re Pt.Trig MV leak Ri Pt.leak MV spn Cdyn Tot.leak Vte Cstat Continuous Flow (O2 Therapy) VTi Rcexp Real time Graphics: Pressure-time waveforms: Paw-Volume Loop Flow-time waveforms: Flow-time Loop Volume-time waveforms: Paw-Flow Loop

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